March 22, 2011

PE4- Google Docs

I've taken another tutorial on and I've got to tell you about 
Google Documents because they make communicating and collaborating so easy! 

            For a general overview, check out this 
YouTube Video entitled
Google Docs in Plain English:

You can sign up for a free iGoogle account with a free g-mail account or another e-mail. Then you're just one click away from creating a Google Document.

If you're familiar with Word Documents you're going to be very comfortable with Google Documents. There are less options than normal Word. (For example there are only about 15 font choices here.) Otherwise they're pretty similar.  

Google Docs gives you 1G of storage space. I like the option of being able to upload documents from your computer. Then they'll be accessible from any computer with an internet connection. This also can be a safeguard back-up in case anything happens to your computer (haha- ;) note my earlier post).

There's an option to convert to Google Docs format if you'd like to be able to re-work them or you can choose to just save as is.

There's also an option to export to your Desk Top to store and/or make changes to it on your computer.

Surely the ability to be able to store documents and access them from any computer with an internet connection is very exciting. However, I think the ability to be able to not only share but collaborate on these documents is what is so exciting! At this point I'm only about a third of the way through this tutorial so look forward to my next post where I'll tell you more!

Meanwhile, you can click HERE to go and play around with a GoogleDoc. It's even more fun if you share the URL and invite a friend to play along with you!

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