March 12, 2011

PE3- iMovie11 (Part3-Adding Effects, Audio, and Sharing)

I'm excited to run through this last part of the iMovie tutorial course from Adding effects and audio really fills out the movie and makes it so much more entertaining! Like the rest of the tutorial I'm finding the step by step process easy to follow and I'm thankful it's so easy to go back and review.

The Ducking feature in the Audio Inspector is going to save me a great deal of time. Up until now I've spent so much time making manual adjustments to be sure my narration could be easily heard over the music that's supposed to stay in the background.

I'm also most relieved to learn the Picture-In-A-Picture effect. I can't even begin to tell you all the awkward steps I went through to get this effect in a previous video I did for MLT class. I somehow pulled it off but didn't think I'd be incorporating it much in the future. This way is so much simpler!

The ability to export this video right into my Mobile Me account is a feature that I'm sure will be convenient for sharing. It's so simple I don't know why I wasn't able to figure that one out on my own. Add that to all the reasons why I'm glad to have invested this time into really learning what to do with iMovie.

Here's my little sample project:

((Sorry! Will add soon!))

My iMovie training is complete! Call me silly, but I find a certain amount of satisfaction out of being able to present this Certificate: 

One effect that I was not able to try this time but am really looking forward to in the future is the Green-Screen effect. With this tool it's possible to import one clip right over the other to change the background. One of my classmates, Allen, who's great at photography, suggested we go out and but a cheap green plastic tablecloth to use. He claims it works great. I'm excited to give it a try in one of my future projects! Check back and let me know if you can tell when it's used!

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say that your progress was well shown. I was so into the learning and working on it that I went through the tutorials, took breaks and fooled around with my own learning movie.
    I along with you, am really glad to have the info given the way did.
    I'm also glad to show that I know how to maneuver in iMovie, to my wife and kids.
    I watched each Chapter with my 2 kids. They are really excited to make videos for our family. My youngest kept saying, "Dad you can make movies of me playing baseball." I am going to explore more of iMovie by using the camera to create more 1 minute videos.
