March 3, 2011

BP1- Welcome to my Blog!-Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Photo from

Here I go! I'm taking a leap of faith outside my comfort zone once again! It's actually been a regular occurrence since deciding to begin my quest for a Master's degree from Full Sail University in Education Media Design and Technology (EMDT). This blog is the result of prompts from my ETC (Emergent Technologies in a Collaborative Culture) Course Director, Rena Hanaway, as I  excitedly begin month four. I'm trusting my travels through EMDT will be enlightening and inspirational and hoping you'll join me on this magical journey into the world of technology-based student-centered education.

Like Peter Pan who desired a life full of fun and adventure I hope to awaken the child-like spirit from within, nurture the wonder of curiosity, and all the possibility of "what if...!" Under the sweet spell of Pixie Dust allow yourself to imagine an educational world where the personal development of each individual student was the primary focus. I believe the most excellent educators of the future will be able to use technology to do just that.  

Set flight to the vision of an educational system where professionals collaborate with a focus on student motivation and engagement whereby setting an environment of encouragement and belief while expecting excellence and modeling lifelong learning to inspire a new generation of creative thinkers who will posses the intrinsic motivation to effect a positive change in their community.  I'm hoping you'll benefit from my experience as chronicled in my posts here and maybe even contribute to the fruition of this vision.  Please accept this invitation to share your knowledge and experience that we might all soar to a higher understanding and potential in our profession.

Feel welcome to travel with me and indulge me the opportunity to reflect in these next few posts on the results of my growth over the first three months of this expedition.


  1. Yes! Bring on the Pixie Dust! I love how you tied all three together elements together. We're going to need them!

  2. Hello Catherine!
    You are so talented! Thank you for the sweet smile your blog just placed on my face! I enjoy your quality of writing so much!
    I will see you soon! I am on ichat all day today!
